Plan Details
The Plan Details page displays detailed information about the user's plan and lets administrators manage the plan.
The features available on the user profile depend on your privileges. Many of the features described are only available to admins. In particular, the Upgrade Plan and More (which leads to View Data and Edit Roles) are only available to admins.
- About: The About tab displays a description of the plan. The text is configured in the Plan Template
- Key Dates: The Key Dates tab displays import dates such as the start date of the plan, the expected end date and other dates configured by the template
- Participants: The Participants tab shows the people that are assigned to the roles and a description of the role that has been configured in the plan template.
Actions that can be performed include:
Upgrade Plan: The Upgrade Plan button is used when a new version of a plan has been published and the user requires to run the new version. Unlike the Update Plans available on the Template List that runs the upgrade for all users, this command only upgrades the plan for the current user.
Close Plan: The Close Plan button will close the plan. A closed plan:
- Will not accept new form submissions or chat messages
- Will still appear in the plans list (with a Closed tag)
- Educational material assigned by the closed plan will still be available in the library
Edit Riles: The Edit Roles command (available from the ellipse menu) brings up the Assign Roles dialog.